ontario news watch

Those who prioritize safe supply and MAID over treatment and recovery have given up on improving the lives of people struggling with addiction

On the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, the ‘third wave’ provides hope for global democratization

Hunter-gatherers were better off than Neolithic farmers, diet-wise — until Earth was hit by seasonal extremes caused by Jupiter’s gravity

If the ruling class is surprised by rising populism, it should look in the mirror instead of dismissing those Canadians who are hurting

Readers give the federal budget a thumb’s down, condemn the antisemitic hatred in our streets, and urge that Canadian war heroes be properly recognized

If Richard Wagner can’t stay in his constitutionally approved lane, why should anyone else?

‘The keffiyeh kiddies really seem to hate this one particular thing. They never mention it by name, but it’s literally all they talk about’

Ottawa outreach worker estimates that up 90 per cent of local addicts are ‘diverting’ their government-supplied drugs to the black market

The scapegoating of Galen Weston

Canada at risk of turning into Europe