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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Is NSICOP the right place to investigate election interference?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Alberta has a surplus... does Jason Kenney or higher oil prices get the credit?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

How do we avoid more 'questionable guests' being invited to the House of Commons?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the Conservative's use of statistics.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith provides his take on the first week of the 2019 federal election.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Justin Trudeau Requires Buy-In

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

As of January 1st, 2024, SaskEnergy is no longer collecting and remitting the federal carbon tax to the federal government for residential customers.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses Jason Kenney's decision to stay on as premier until the next UCP leader is chosen.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith provides his take on week 2 of the 2021 federal election.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the WE charity and parliament's role in oversight.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the recent Supply and Confidence Agreement agreed to by the governing Liberals and NDP.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The House has taken a break for the holidays so Dale Smith discusses the legislation which remains unfinished.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

With the resignation of the Governor General of Canada, Dale Smith discusses the selection process for this important role.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the June 2020 Conservative leadership contest and the Baird Report.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the return of Parliament and the decision to go virtual.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses Andrew Scheer's departure and the pending Conservative leadership race.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

NDP leader warns the Liberal government to meet the agreed to timeline.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Do the Premiers think the federal government is blind and dumb?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale's take on the Trudeau government's compromise for the Winnipeg lab documents.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Does Poilievre want to be Trump's Lukashenko?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

2024 Federal Budget - Capital Gains Inclusion Rates