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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The biggest political issue in 2024 will be housing.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Is the federal government holding Canadians 'hostage' by withholding health transfer payments?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his comments on the Liberal government's announcement of criminal justice reform.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale's take on the Trudeau government's compromise for the Winnipeg lab documents.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the WE charity and parliament's role in oversight.

Negative Advertising

Loonie Politics columnist Gerry Nicholls gives his take on negative advertising as the 2019 federal election approaches.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Was the F35 procurement another government boondoggle?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

What's left on the agenda for the House before the summer recess?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith provides his take on the first week of the 2019 federal election.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses how Trudeau's dream of an independent Senate is being derailed.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his take on the protests and barricades across the country.

Liberals versus Conservatives

Gerry Nicholls describes why the 2019 federal election has become a campaign of negativity and name calling.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale comments on Conservative leader Erin O'Toole's speech to the Canadian Club.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides an update on the Conservative leadership race and the upcoming leadership debate.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Summer recess for the Senate?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Summer recess is here and the Senate is leaving town with unfinished business.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the potential of the 'truck tax' being raised in Question Period.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the Liberal's national childcare plan and how it would be implemented with the provinces.