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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Alberta has a surplus... does Jason Kenney or higher oil prices get the credit?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Chrystia Freeland to present fall fiscal update Tuesday as cost-of-living dominates politics.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The PBO And The Price On Pollution

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

House to delay MAID for mental disorders

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Chrystia Freeland to present fall fiscal update Tuesday as cost-of-living dominates politics.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Can David Johnston be independent if he reports to the government versus parliament?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The Liberal government has just finished an unproductive fall sitting passing only a couple of bills.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale's take on the Trudeau government's compromise for the Winnipeg lab documents.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Summer recess is here and the Senate is leaving town with unfinished business.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his take on the House of Commons adopting a vaccine mandate.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Justin Trudeau Requires Buy-In

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his recap of the 2019 Federal Election as well as what happens next.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the June 2020 Conservative leadership contest and the Baird Report.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his comments on the Liberal government's problem with their legislative agenda.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Where is the self-awareness when it comes to the Canadian military?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit: checks and magic databases.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The PBO is at it again... with two new reports.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses Preston Manning's comments about the trucker protest in Ottawa.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Ontario's Auditor General released her report concerning the Greenbelt which wasn't flattering for the Ford government.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dentalcare... thank the NDP for the mess

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his comments on the Liberal government's problem with their legislative agenda.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his take on the protests and barricades across the country.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Keep your eye on Bill C-22 for potential enhancements for people with disabilities.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Do the Premiers think the federal government is blind and dumb?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Do political conventions matter anymore?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his comments on the Liberal government's announcement of criminal justice reform.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Bill C-11: Is this government censorship?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Is Alberta up for grabs?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Summer recess for the Senate?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides an update on the Conservative leadership race and the upcoming leadership debate.