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Tories to work with NDP, Bloc to set terms on potential foreign interference inquiry

OTTAWA — The Conservative Party is willing to work with other opposition legislators to set the terms of reference for a possible inquiry on foreign interference. 

Party Leader Pierre Poilievre says he will reach out to the New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois next week and begin the work. 

The Liberal government says it is willing to hold a public inquiry on allegations that China meddled in two recent federal elections, but it wants the opposition parties to come up with its terms of reference, timeline and potential leader.

The government is undertaking work to find possible gaps in how it handles allegations of foreign interference, and initially appointed former governor general David Johnston as a special rapporteur to probe the issue. 

But Johnston resigned from the role on Friday, citing the highly partisan atmosphere around his work.

Poilievre says he wants the government to call a public inquiry quickly, and before the next federal election. 

This report by The Canadian Press was first published June 11, 2023. 

The Canadian Press