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Nova Scotia premier wants equal treatment for isthmus after feds buy Quebec bridge

HALIFAX — Nova Scotia’s premier says the federal government’s criteria for funding important transportation links should be the same in every region of the country.

Tim Houston is reacting to Ottawa’s announcement Wednesday that it is acquiring the Quebec Bridge and spending $1 billion over the next 25 years to repair, repaint and maintain the span.

Houston says he’s encouraged to hear the federal government believes the bridge is an important regional connector, adding that the Chignecto Isthmus also meets that criterion

Both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick want the federal government to foot the bill for an estimated $650-million project to strengthen the dike system along the vital land corridor between the two provinces to protect against rising sea levels.

Ottawa has only said it will cover half the cost, and last July the Nova Scotia government began legal action to determine whether the federal government has exclusive responsibility to maintain structures along the corridor.

During a stop in New Brunswick today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recognized the importance of the isthmus but did not directly address whether his government would pay the entire cost of the project.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 16, 2024.

The Canadian Press