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Federal Fiona recovery fund providing $9 million for community comfort centres

NEW GLASGOW, N.S. — The federal government is providing $9 million to help communities hit by post-tropical storm Fiona ensure they’re ready to offer residents refuge from the next big storm.

The money comes from the $300-million Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund that was announced shortly after the massive storm devastated parts of Atlantic Canada one year ago this Sunday.

Federal Minister of Rural Economic Development Gudie Hutchings says the money will help designated “climate comfort centres” purchase equipment and make necessary improvements to serve the public.

Hutchings says the money can be used to equip the centres with such things as power generators, satellite phones, blankets and cots.

The deadline for municipalities to apply to the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency for the funding is Nov. 17.

Hutchings says communities will be responsible for determining which facilities will be designated as comfort centres in order to apply for the funding.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 22, 2023.

The Canadian Press