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Alberta NDP Leader Notley casts ballot in advance poll as campaign enters last week

CALGARY — Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley cast her advance vote in Calgary today, urging more to do the same as the provincial election enters its final week.

Notley marked her ballot at an event alongside about 30 young people and says it’s a myth that youth aren’t politically engaged.

Voting day is Monday and advance polls opened today.

Polls suggest it continues to be a tight race with the edge going to Danielle Smith’s United Conservative Party.

They also suggest people under 45 are leaning toward the NDP and those over 45 are gravitating to the UCP.

Notley says her party is to continue knocking on doors and holding rallies to remind voters it has a plan to reinvest in Alberta while increasing access to family doctors and avoiding budget deficits.

Notley says the election is still up for grabs, adding that many traditional conservatives have told her they will lend her party their vote in order to defeat the UCP.

The Canadian Press