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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith provides his take on the last week of the 2019 federal election.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Ontario's Auditor General released her report concerning the Greenbelt which wasn't flattering for the Ford government.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Bill C-11: Is this government censorship?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Why won't Trudeau take the leadership in dealing with the 'Freedom Convoy'?

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Dentalcare... thank the NDP for the mess

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses Andrew Scheer's departure and the pending Conservative leadership race.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

What happens now in British Columbia after the election this week?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the WE charity and parliament's role in oversight.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his comments on the Liberal government's problem with their legislative agenda.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Why won't Trudeau take the leadership in dealing with the 'Freedom Convoy'?

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