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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dentalcare... thank the NDP for the mess

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Can Justin Trudeau do anything about Quebec's Bill 21?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The Liberals and Tories are in a pissing match over the Emergency Act Committee.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the lack of accountability in Parliament during the COVID-19 crisis.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the (slow) release of Covid-19 government documents to the parliamentary committee.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Why won't Trudeau take the leadership in dealing with the 'Freedom Convoy'?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the qualifications needed to be a Minister of Finance.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the June 2020 Conservative leadership contest and the Baird Report.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his take of week 3 of the 2021 federal election campaign.