ontario news watch

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

What is the federal government's role when it comes to disaster relief?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Is Canada a defence freeloader within NATO?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the skeleton Parliament and the passage of the emergency financial package.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the qualifications needed to be a Minister of Finance.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

With the Arrive Can scandal, why is no one talking about the CBSA?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Bill C-11: Is this government censorship?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the WE charity and parliament's role in oversight.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Is the federal government holding Canadians 'hostage' by withholding health transfer payments?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale answers the question "What is going on in the Senate?"

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale's take on the Trudeau government's compromise for the Winnipeg lab documents.

Michael Coteau: Vison for Ontario (Part 3)

In Part 3 of 3, Loonie Politics Publisher Robert Wood speaks with Ontario MPP Michael Coteau and discuss his vision for Ontario.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the June 2020 Conservative leadership contest and the Baird Report.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Parliament is back!

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Jason Kenney is looking for another fight with the federal government.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Why won't Trudeau take the leadership in dealing with the 'Freedom Convoy'?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Justin Trudeau Requires Buy-In

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The House has taken a break for the holidays so Dale Smith discusses the legislation which remains unfinished.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

House to delay MAID for mental disorders

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his thoughts on the 2020 Conservative leadership debates.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

What to do about the price of food in Canada?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

How do we avoid more 'questionable guests' being invited to the House of Commons?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his take on the House of Commons adopting a vaccine mandate.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the qualifications needed to be a Minister of Finance.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Is the federal government to blame for the increase in crime?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the (slow) release of Covid-19 government documents to the parliamentary committee.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

What to do about the price of food in Canada?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale's take on the Trudeau government's compromise for the Winnipeg lab documents.

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Michael Coteau: Ontario’s Next Liberal Leader? (Part 1)

In Part 1 of 3, Loonie Politics Publisher Robert Wood speaks with Ontario MPP Michael Coteau in his bid to become the next Ontario Liberal Leader.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale's take on the Trudeau government's compromise for the Winnipeg lab documents.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Summer recess for the Senate?