ontario news watch

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the qualifications needed to be a Minister of Finance.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

With the resignation of the Governor General of Canada, Dale Smith discusses the selection process for this important role.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith provides his take on the fourth week of the 2019 federal election.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the (slow) release of Covid-19 government documents to the parliamentary committee.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith provides an update on the 2020 Conservative leadership race.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

What happens when the premier doesn't have a seat in the legislature?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Can foreign actors interfere in our elections and leadership contests?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Justin Trudeau Requires Buy-In

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

What is going on with the simultaneous interpretation on Parliament Hill?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the qualifications needed to be a Minister of Finance.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the impact COVID-19 will have on the functioning of the Canadian government.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Is NSICOP the right place to investigate election interference?

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his take on the protests and barricades across the country.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Jason Kenney is looking for another fight with the federal government.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

A political bombshell was dropped last week as the Speaker of the Saskatchewan Legislature was claiming undue pressure by the government to influence his decision.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his take of week 3 of the 2021 federal election campaign.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses the June 2020 Conservative leadership contest and the Baird Report.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Summer recess for the Senate?

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Dale Smith’s Quick take

Is there a way for the Liberal Party to replace Justin Trudeau before the next election? Reform Act you say...

Michael Coteau: Vison for Ontario (Part 3)

In Part 3 of 3, Loonie Politics Publisher Robert Wood speaks with Ontario MPP Michael Coteau and discuss his vision for Ontario.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The Public Accounts Committee has recently shown why Parliament has become unserious.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Alberta has a surplus... does Jason Kenney or higher oil prices get the credit?

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his comments on the Liberal government's problem with their legislative agenda.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

The PBO is at it again... with two new reports.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale discusses Andrew Scheer's departure and the pending Conservative leadership race.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Drama within the Status Of Women Committee

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his insight on the Conservative leadership contest in the Senate.

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Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale provides his take on the protests and barricades across the country.

Dale Smith’s Quick Take

Dale Smith discusses the Conservative's attacks on the Bank of Canada.

Michael Coteau: Vison for Ontario (Part 3)

In Part 3 of 3, Loonie Politics Publisher Robert Wood speaks with Ontario MPP Michael Coteau and discuss his vision for Ontario.