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Government cuts $500K in funding to Alberta disability organization

EDMONTON — Another disability advocacy organization says its funding has been cut by the provincial government.

Trish Bowman, chief executive officer of Inclusion Alberta, says the government informed her earlier this month it was cutting some of the grant funding that the group has received for decades.

Bowman says the cut totals more than $500,000 and comes halfway through its two-year government contract.

Community and Social Services Minister Jason Nixon’s office says Inclusion Alberta wasn’t providing direct services with the funding but will still receive over $10 million per year for the services it does provide.

Bowman says the cut funding was used to provide services, specifically peer support programs and help navigating government systems.

Three other disability advocacy organizations announced earlier this month that they were also losing provincial funding after the government determined they don’t provide direct services.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 22, 2025.

Jack Farrell, The Canadian Press