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All eyes are on Alberta in the wake of the federal election, and that's just the way Premier Jason Kenney likes it.

Even as the Liberal victory became apparent mid evening on election night, the hashtag Wexit started climbing the Twitter charts.  It appears western separatism, or at least western disgruntlement, is gaining traction.

The premier, who actively battled the federal liberals during the campaign, is more than happy to point out the perils.

He did so very clearly in a five-page letter instructing the newly re-elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on how to quell the pending national unity crisis.

"There is a very real threat to the fabric of our nation and a deep and abiding feeling of alienation felt across the west, not just in Alberta," warned Kenney.

Kenney's letter was the long-form version of a similar warning note from Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe delivered bright and early the day after the election.

Moe stuck to a Coles Notes version of Saskatchewan and Alberta's main demands — build pipelines, change equalization, dump the carbon tax.  Kenney lumped in a number of other grievances and corrections he expects Trudeau to make.  Drop Bills C-48 and C-69 and don't mess with the west's resources without asking, strengthen free trade between provinces, and, oddly, drop the CMHC stress test for Alberta.

Trudeau has not responded in detail, other than to say his government is still committed to build the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion.

But for Kenney, and the western separatist faction, TMX is not nearly enough.

Kenney wants a Conservative government in Ottawa.  Period.  He's had his heart set on it for months.  And he isn't granting any concessions despite the result of the election.

While Ontario's Doug Ford is making nice and Blaine Higgs in New Brunswick is bowing to the necessity of a carbon tax, Kenney and Moe are upping the anti with their first post-election remarks.

Arguably they are echoing the sentiments of the electorate in their own jurisdictions.  Conservative candidates took 70 per cent of the popular vote in Alberta and all opposition seats were wiped out by the blue tide in Saskatchewan.

But now both premiers will be dealing with the potential swing that much farther along on the continuum if Wexit really does gain a foothold.

Kenney is walking a balance beam, trying to leverage separatist discontent in his ongoing battle with the federal Liberals, without letting the pot boil over into something more serious than it is now.

There is reason to be concerned about that possibility.

A true separatist movement would be bad for business, even worse than the current bubbling unrest in the energy sector.  Big investors hate political upheaval.  While they are seriously worried about how the minority Liberals will implement carbon reduction promises, the prospect of trying to rip a landlocked province out of the national fabric would be even scarier.

Kenney has announced a blue ribbon panel to tour the province hearing form the discontented populace about Alberta's place in confederation.

"We must give those frustrated Albertans an opportunity to speak their minds," said Kenney.

That opportunity will not only arm Kenney for his battle with Trudeau, but also provide a safety valve to let some malcontents, and those who are genuinely upset with the way Alberta is treated, have an opportunity to vent.

The rub of course will be that the panel will be attracting a pretty specific segment of the Alberta population.  Many will be those who equate their interests with those of the oil and gas industry and who have doubts about the urgency of combating climate change.

And many will be able to conceive of an Alberta outside of Canada, a sentiment which isn't the majority view.

It's quite instructive to actually read the Tweets and Facebook comments citing the #wexit reference.  A surprising percentage of them are railing against the idea of separatism or dismissing it as a joke.

And CTV did an interesting story this week with the aid of H+K Strategies showing that the Wexit traffic was amplified by bots and data aggregators.

That's not to say that the sentiment isn't out there and that there aren't a fair number of Albertans feeling aggrieved by the results of the election.  The question is how leaders, both federally and provincially, should deal with those sentiments.

Photo Credit: Edmonton Journal

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The views, opinions and positions expressed by columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of our publication.

With the election safely in the (garbage) bag, many commentators and even Prime Minister Trudeau are admitting that Western alienation is a serious problem.  Which they have plans to make worse.

Perhaps "plans" is too strong a word.  In the election Trudeau promised, among other things, to give everyone a family doctor.  If he knew how to do such a thing he would of course have done so years ago.  Just as in 2015 he promised a number of things he had no idea how to do, from electoral reform to balancing the budget to harmonizing economic growth with environmental protection or, oh, I don't know, bringing us together as a nation.

Let me underline that point before going west.  The main problem with a typical politicians' pledge isn't that they have the wrong plan for getting it done.  It's that they have no plan at all.  Years ago a friend complained that as the Bond franchise staggered forward, 007 had no apparent plan beyond breaking into the super-villain's super-complex and being James Bond.  Ditto Justin Trudeau, with his government-issued licence to blither.

He often seems to have a "00" IQ despite being quite clever, because he has so little idea what's going on.  But he's now promising to, well, be Justin Trudeau and all will be well.  And if you'll believe that…

"The central issue for me," the PM just said post-election, is not what dumb stuff he did that he shouldn't do again.  It "is how do we move forward in a way that responds to the concerns that Albertans and Saskatchewanians have clearly expressed."  Well, OK.  What are those issues?  Despite the windup I do not direct this question to Mr. Trudeau, whose ears are so finely attuned to what he himself is saying that all else is noise.

As my National Post colleague Matt Gurney rightly noted, the problem with Trudeau and the West isn't that he ignored them.  It's that he went around the east insulting them and thought they were too dumb, deaf or distant to notice.  For instance campaigning against "big oil" and "les petroliers" who support Jason Kenney and Doug Ford, while his party's official Twitter account railed against "dark oil money".  Just two years ago, Gurney reminds us, Trudeau promised to phase out the oil sands.  For such a person to lament growing divisiveness gives us a pretty fair idea of how useful he's going to be.  But the rest of us can do better.  If we want.

So while you're pondering what issues "Albertans and Saskatchewanians have clearly expressed" I'll offer my take.  Within the rather tight limits of a modern electorate, and recognizing the diversity of opinion even in places with strong partisan leanings, these westerners want less government.  Especially less government of the kind that squashes prosperity.  And the good news here is that less government would benefit everybody.  It's not only about the west.

Just because people in central and eastern Canada want more government, and by and large they do, does not mean more government will make them happier.  It might be called a plan, with some generosity given the lack of details.  But if so it's a bad one.  If they got what they don't want, smaller and more accountable government, they would like the result more than they're going to like what they're going to get from big government.  Including worsening Western alienation.

I realize the problem is a complex one.  One of the most remarkable facts to emerge post-election, courtesy of Vancouver journalist Justin McElroy, is that Canada has 65 federal ridings with at least 2,500 people per square kilometre and the Tories didn't win a single one.  When I wrote that the Conservatives ought to try conservatism if they're sick of losing, somebody sneered back on Twitter (but I repeat myself) "The Conservatives will never get anywhere in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver until they dump the hillbilly insurance salesman."  An attitude finely calibrated to exacerbate the problem by adding snobbery to policy disputes.  But I maintain that the real problem is that they didn't make their case clearly and boldly, not that they did and hip urbanites went "Oh yuck, get away from me."

As always I am unimpressed by politicians and pundits who as always think to win nationally the conservatives must move left, since only Tim Hudak and John Tory win in Ontario, not Doug Ford or Mike Harris.  But whatever feeble partisan merits the suggestion may have, it certainly won't help the West feel more represented.  Nor, probably, would moving to PR, even if I must concede that Andrew Coyne, who can't change his mind and won't change the subject, just suggested that by bringing more Western seats within the Liberals' reach and more Ontario ones within the Conservatives' it might do some good.

See?  I'm being open-minded even if it hurts.  On which spirit let me invite you to the Economic Education Association of Alberta conference in Red Deer on Nov. 15 and 16 on "Meeting the Challenge of Western Separatism".  We will not, I assure you, place our hands on your person, stand waaaay to close to you and gaze hypnotically into your eyes.  Even if one might, stretching a point, call such behaviour a plan, Trudeau already did it, to Jody Wilson-Raybould and the West, and it failed.

We also will avoid the plan of ranting and raving until the steam from our ears blasts the paint off the walls.  Instead, we will try to explore intelligently the truth that Western complaints about how Canada is run are not driven by bigotry, rustic ignorance or "big oil".  They are sensible worries from a part of the country that, generally speaking, appreciates the merits of free enterprise and individual liberty better than those currently running it.

Taking those concerns seriously is a plan for fixing western alienation that just might work, leaving us all better off.  If you don't have a better one, mark your calendar.

Photo Credit: CBC News

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