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The news that Service Canada has asked its agents to use gender-neutral language in its interactions with Canadians has touched off a new round of wailing and gnashing of teeth among the Conservatives, who have derided it as the sinister extension of prime minister Justin Trudeau's "peoplekind" joke.  Apparently, this is the first step toward declaring that Mother's Day and Father's Day will become illegal by government fiat.

For those of you who missed this particular non-issue, agents at Service Canada had been directed to avoid using particular gender-specific honourifics when dealing with clients, as well as some particularly gendered terms like "mother" and "father" —using "parent" instead — in order to acknowledge that not everybody fits into the Ward and June Cleaver boxes that mainstream society uses without thinking.  After all, we are becoming increasingly aware that there are transgender Canadians who don't follow those honourifics, and same-sex parents don't neatly fit into the "mother" and "father" definitions that are being phased out of standardized forms.  When it was reported that the directive was "too confusing" for staff, Minister Jean-Yves Duclos was forced to clarify that yes, they can use honourifics but to log when a client requests that a different one be used.  In other words, it's an innocuous policy change that takes nothing away from people, but is more inclusive to same-sex parents and trans people when they interact with the government.

That's not, however, how it has been characterized.  If you listen to the Conservatives, the entire functioning of government has ground to a halt to make this accommodation, because the whole of the civil service can't walk and chew gum at the same time.  Extending basic courtesies is framed as "political correctness run amok," and the big hand of government overreaching into the lives of Canadians —never mind that it doesn't affect them in the slightest.  There is no directive that asserts that we must all refer to one another as "comrade" or that we use "parent one" and "parent two" in our everyday conversations with one another, and that this is all about social engineering by bureaucrats determined to undermine the very foundations of our society.

In their zeal to score points with their socially conservative base and to play up the culture wars, however, the Conservatives seem to forget that implicit in their derision is an underlying vein of homophobia and transphobia that they can't quite seem to shake.  It's like the vein of intolerance behind those who peddle the fiction that the phrase "Merry Christmas" has been banned, and every single December, we would see the Conservative government put up a non-Christian MP to declare that they're not offended by "Merry Christmas," as though the "war on Christmas" was a real thing and not the straw man of people opposed to a Canada that is increasingly diverse.

This is why I find the columns from the typical straight white (mostly) male columnists about the impending backlash against the apparent oppressive political correctness of this government to be so tiresome, because it misses the point that this government is trying to speak to an audience that includes more than just them.  This Service Canada directive is, of course, just the icing on the cake.  It includes the gender-based budget, the fact that there has been a greater focus placed on finding qualified women and visible minorities for appointed positions, and the new attestation on the Canada Summer Jobs grant forms, all of which we keep hearing dire warnings about it stoking this culture war — and yet we never hear about the opposite being the case, that those who deride measures like this are the ones doing the stoking as society moves on without them.

What these particular pundits seem to forget is that this is not just about virtue signalling or political correctness, but about the fact that there are actual economic consequences to civic society for constantly excluding people who could be better engaged with just a few nudges that this government is providing.  Appointing more qualified women and minorities not only gets us better decisions —and there is verifiable evidence that more diverse voices make better decisions, from the corporate board room on down — but it provides more role models for youth to aspire to those positions as they grow up, and mentorship to youth as they move into those spaces.  Doing gender-based analysis with budget measures rather than just pouring money into childcare spaces (which, I remind you, is an area of provincial jurisdiction for which the federal government continues to work on bilateral agreements with in order to come up with proper funding frameworks to roll them out) — it's about looking for the structural barriers that keep women and other minorities from fully participating in the workforce and contributing to the economy.

And it's this part that the commentariat seems most oblivious to — that addressing the structural barriers is more than just an "action plan" and a commitment to throwing money at problems.  It's about bottom-up reform of our systems in order to level that playing field so that we can get more women and minorities, whether it's immigrants or Indigenous communities, into the economy so that we can reap the benefits of the growth in GDP that follows.  That's something that this government seems to get.  Can they effective communicate that?  Well, that's a whole other question, and there is a problem in that it often comes off as platitudes and more pabulum in thirty-second sound bites rather than breaking it down for Canadians that these are long-term projects with no quick fixes, but that they will have lasting benefits if they can do it right.  It's not a question of being inclusive or focusing on the economy — it's focusing on growing the economy by being inclusive.  Gender-neutral language at Service Canada is just a byproduct of that, and it may behoove the government to actually communicate this fact rather than just replying that "it's 2018."

The views, opinions and positions expressed by columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of our publication.

I first met Faith Goldy in 2014, when both of us worked for Sun News Network, I as a web producer and she as a commentator.  To the extent she and I had a working relationship, it was civil, even friendly at times.  Back then, her main priorities as a pundit were social conservatism, terrorism, and the malign influence of Russia.  She enjoyed courting controversy, but she didn't have a reputation as a white supremacist or worse.  Don't ask me what happened to her mindset since then, because I have no idea.

Perhaps the people seeking to attend Goldy's talk "Ethnocide: Multiculturalism and European-Canadian Identity" at Wilfrid Laurier University, scheduled for Tuesday evening and cancelled by an unidentified fire-alarm puller, might have found out.  Instead, they were sent home by organizer and grad student Lindsay Shepherd, one of several Canadian academics along with Laurier's David Millard Haskell, the University of Toronto's Jordan Peterson, and Acadia University's Rick Mehta  currently engaged in unceasing pro-free speech (or, more accurately, anti-political correctness) self-congratulation.  Shepherd lamented the disruption, telling CBC her "view of these college leftists" is now more jaundiced than ever, but not enough that she will stop inviting controversial figures to the Unpopular Opinions Speakers Series hosted by the Laurier Society for Open Inquiry (LSOI).  After all, she had to turn away an extra hundred audience members on top of those 175 who could get into the room.  In a video captured by fellow Loonie Politics columnist Josh Lieblein, Shepherd suggested an even bigger capacity might be necessary if and when she invites Goldy to return.

Who knows what that number might have been if the reaction from Laurier's other campus activists had not been so predictable?  Sign-waving protests, poster tear-downs, and pleas for the university to keep Goldy away ensued within hours of Shepherd's March 16 announcement of the talk.  No doubt, this took neither Goldy nor Shepherd by surprise on the contrary, they were likely delighted.  Reactions like this validate everything they have said about the campus left.  It's difficult to believe this was not ultimately Shepherd's priority, for if she were serious about bringing the subjects of immigration and identity to light, she would not have invited a speaker whose notoriety far, far, far exceeds her credibility.

For anyone who believes no-platforming is critical in instances like this, I would like you to join me in a little thought experiment.  It's April 10, exactly three weeks since Goldy's talk was supposed to happen.  She, Shepherd, and those 175 attendees are seated in Room BA 112, the original venue.  Every so often, one of them glances at the clock, wondering how much longer it's going to be before a passel of protesters shows up and makes a scene.  Where are they?  Maybe they're home, studying for finals.  Maybe they're having a much better party somewhere.  But they don't come.

That evening, the Waterloo Region Record reporter assigned to cover the event ends up writing about its content, instead of its execution.  When other media reach out to Goldy for comment, they have no questions about free speech or no-platforming.  They want to know why, pray tell, "European-Canadians" should fear being "replaced" by (ahem) others.  Remember, even her proximity to that view was enough for The Rebel to no-platform her last year, and they'll take anyone.

See what's just happened?  Any opportunity Goldy has to garner free speech-based murmurs of sympathy has been lost.  She has to explain herself.  So does Shepherd, who must now consider variables other than the unpopularity of an opinion.  More deliciously, they probably haven't had half as much fun than if they knew the ire of the "soypremacists" had been aroused.

Even if neither is willing to admit it, the "regressive left" and the "free speech grifters" live off each other with the grace of tube worms and bacteria.  (You may decide which is which.)  If not for the hypersensitivity of the regressive left, the free speech grifters would have no reason to exist as a group.  If not for the joy the free speech grifters take in provocation, the regressive left would have much less opportunity for grandstanding.  The only way for this cycle to break is for one to deprive the other with their most-needed resource.  So who's it gonna be?

Written by Jess Morgan

The views, opinions and positions expressed by columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of our publication.